What is a modern day seer/prophet?

A seer is someone that can tell the future. The dictionary tells us that a seer is one that sees, one that predicts events or developments, or a person credited with extraordinary moral and spiritual insight.

Today we don’t call them seers. Today, a seer could be a doctor that can tell you how your health will be in the future. A seer could be a navigator that could tell you where your ship will be in the future. A seer could be a chess player that can tell you how a game will end. A seer could be a weather forecaster that tells you what tomorrows’ weather will be. A seer could be an economist that will tell you what the future economy will be. A political analyst might tell you who were going to win and election and what the winning issues will be.

The seer is known by a history of accurately being predicting future events. A seer will not be a cheerleader, a propagandist, a person in the psychiatric state of denial, or a person trying to promote his product. A seer will try to tell someone how to stay clear of future trouble. A seer may not be able to tell the entire future, as the future can be changed by people that listen to seers. A seer will give advice that is usually correct and sometimes magical.

Ancient seers watched the birds and animals knowing that their behavior could predict earthquakes, tsunamis and severe weather. Polynesian sailors could navigate by watching subtle wave patterns. Some seers may have enjoyed a sixth sense. Other seers may have predicted future events from knowledge of history or human behavior.

Politically who are the seers? Certainly not those that just want a prestige job or promise the population what they want to hear. A seer will probably warn us about the future and give facts to corroborate their findings. Although a modern day seer probably is highly intuitive, he will find the facts to support his intuition and will give them to you.

You may not understand why a seer makes his forecast. Just because the animals run from the shore doesn’t mean a tidal wave is forthcoming, you think. Moving a hundred yards further from the shore may help, you think. After all, you are a strong swimmer and you have a couple of hundred yards head start if you want to run. You survive because you take minimal precautions that the seer might be right.

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