A nation, sans individuals and assets, is very easy to create.

A nation, sans individuals and assets, is very easy to create.

1) Create a constitution with a bill of human rights, such as the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Make it the responsibility of your nation to protect, expand and defend those rights. In fact, make it the ONLY right of your new nation to defend those rights. By lottery, choose a group to create laws to interpret those rights. Add feedback to verify those laws properly interpret those rights. Add a group to verify that those laws are applied with quality.

2) Create a judicial system that defends individuals from loss or injury. Add groups to establish fact. Add groups to check for compliance with law and principle. Have yet another group verify that the punishment is not more severe than the loss or injury caused. Have a jury vote on the findings of the other groups.

3) Create a budget. Decide how much your nation should spend for social programs, retirement, defense, education, justice, and catastrophe insurance. Divide the allotted budget down to equitably and justly spend on each slice of the pie. Use a top down approach to decide on expenditures. Use a bottom up approach to maximize how each individual benefits from the allocated funding. Use creative people to stretch the buck.

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