The strongest super power is the power of love.

Imagine if we had a superhero that could force others to love and understand others.

Imagine if our superhero made Hitler love the Jews.
Imagine if our superhero made Cho love his classmates.
Imagine if our superhero made the Shiites love the Sunni and the
Sunni love the Shiites.
Imagine if our superhero could cause government employees, like the police, politicians, and judges, to love everybody.
Imagine if our superhero made all the wicked people love one another.

Imagine if our superhero made everybody love everybody. Who would be needy? Who would steal? Who would kill? Who would be selfish? Who would not help others? The world would at least start to be utopian.

Wouldn’t an Entity that could force love and understanding be the greatest and most respected entity of all? Entities that can force hate are everywhere. It is so easy to cause death, but so difficult to cause another to love another.

One basic dichotomy is control by love versus control by death and fear. One is difficult and respected. The other is simple inhumanity.

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One Response to The strongest super power is the power of love.

  1. Guardian says:

    The middle class need all of their wealth for a car, insurance, a six room house, college educations and retirement.

    The million people worth millions (5 million to 50,000 million) can invest most of their money. They need only a small percent to live on.

    Yet government takes a larger percentage from the middle class if you include income, property, and social security.

    Consequently, the middle class are effected by government waste the most.

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