Competition is like starvation. A little is good, but a lot kills you!

Competition is like starvation. A little is good, but a lot kills you!

A little starvation is good, but a lot kills you

Fashion models have tremendous competition. They starve themselves to death in order to beat their competition.

The winners of the competition in your garden will be the weeds, unless you take the side of your plants. You must selectively nurture the plants, pull the weeds and eliminate unwanted parasites. Otherwise you will have no flowers or food.

The winners of the competition between nations will be the unscrupulus competition, unless government takes the side of their manufacturing. Government must selectively nurture the good busnisses, eliminate the unscrupulus competition, and eliminate unwanted parasites. Without government help, that nation will have no products to export and no tax revenue from their products.

Written in 600BC, the book, “The Art of War” discusses and analyzes the pitfalls of too much competition between competing countries. “The Art of War” suggests that competition (war) should not weaken a nation, otherwise the neighboring nations will conquer that nation. The free market allows that the property can be conquered or purchased piecemeal. When the property, land, real estate investments, stock, mortgages and debts of a nation are purchased by another nation, then that nation is being conquered piecemeal!

Like all competition? Would you like to compete with the Ebola virus, fungus, bacteria, sharks, lions, parasites, bullets, bombs or extreme temperatures?

Unmitigated competition is not a good thing! Let government nurture the middle class a little and not throw them to the wolves! Government nurtures only the sick and the domineering of their citizens. Let them cultivate the middle class or at least not subject them to foreign competition, war, disproportionate punishment, high taxes, high costs of living, unfair fines, unfair justice, and infiltration by blood suckers.

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