What is Utopia?

We believe that Utopia is a place where a person a person can live as if there was no government and were no criminals.  Utopia would be a place where entrepreneurs could make a living without having to struggle against monopolies and giant slave hiring companies whether domestic or foreign.  Utopia would have quite a few millionaires, but few would flaunt their wealth or suggest that they are better because of their wealth.

Utopia would be a place where athletes that are not quite major league caliber could flourish. Utopia would be a place where actors, actresses, singers, musicians and artists that are good but not the best or not well known could flourish, be admired, be respected and make an adequate living.

Utopia is a place where all law can be described by a 200 page book. Utopia is a place where the law is about what’s fair and not about the legalization of deceptive practices. Utopia is a place where the law is about restitution and minimal prophylaxis and not about making mountains out of molehills, or the extortion of large large legal fees by the threat of huge prison sentences for fake ‘crimes’ that do no harm. Utopia is not a place where evidence is falsified or fabricated.

Utopia is a place where the school systems nurture the mutual respect and admiration of each other more than a feeling that others are merely competition. Utopia is a place where knowledge is secondary to the feelings of others. Utopia is a place where, during their public schooling, all continue until they have a 100% grasp of the materials, where progress of the better students is not held back, where the capable students can continue their education, and where time is not a factor in what to study or when.

Utopia is a place where large companies are cartels of smaller companies. Utopia is a place where government is a cartel of smaller companies. Utopia is a place where many can become millionaires but none can make a billion. We believe Utopia would have no billionaires and no wealth redistribution.  Utopia would have few that are dependent on welfare or government subsidies.

Utopia is a place of no income taxes. The government exists on relatively small sales taxes. The government is tiny and doesn’t need taxes for welfare, armies, large law enforcement or large bureaucracies.

Utopia would be a place where billionaires would be happy living without their wealth – they could invest their wealth in dystopia.

If you wish to contibute to this Utopia effort, then please contact us via the contact form accessed under the picture of the serene road.


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Perot Warns that America Could be Taken Over

Former presidential contender and billionaire Ross Perot is worried that America is a sitting duck for an unnamed foreign invader. In an interview for his new autobiography, Perot said the nation’s weak economy has left us open for a hostile takeover—and neither presidential candidate is the man to save the country.

Citing an impending fiscal cliff,  Perot warned of disaster. “If we are that weak, just think of who wants to come here first and take us over,” the former CEO of info-tech company Perot Systems told USA Today on Monday.

“The last thing I ever want to see is our country taken over because  we’re so financially weak, we can’t do anything,” Perot says.

When asked for his take on the presidential race, Perot added, “Nobody that’s running really talks about it, about  what we have to do and why we have to do it. They would prefer not to  have it discussed.”

However cryptic he may be, this is the first political reckoning by Perot in years, ever since he withdrew from the political landscape after the fall of his Reform Party in the 2000 election.

Perot is the last presidential candidate that I’ve been somewhat excited about.

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Deadbeat Billionaires

According to Forbs they got together the  “world’s greatest philanthropists”.

Inspired by the 30th anniversary of the Forbes 400 issue,       Forbes aimed to actually bring the 400 people together in person to help       try to solve the world’s most intractable problems. The first ever       “Forbes 400 Summit on Philanthropy” was held in New York in June – an       unprecedented gathering of wealth and international philanthropy,       featuring 161 billionaires or near-billionaires – with keynote speakers       that included Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Oprah Winfrey. That effort       was reflected in the magazine. Twelve of the attendees – some of the       world’s greatest philanthropists – are featured on the cover:       representing a staggering $126 billion in combined net worth.

They are dead-beats as near as I can tell. None of them has considered my request to even help fund one Utopian State. Land is needed. Jobs are needed. Facilities are needed. Roads and sewerage are needed. Lawyers are needed. Lobbyists are needed. Builders and construction workers are needed. Marketing people are needed. Approximately $25 million is needed in nine stages, each stage to be a prerequisite to the next.

Each stage will require more and more funding up until the last two stages consisting of buying and developing the land. The first stage would be research. The second stage would be writing the reports. The next stage would be writing a book on the proposed city-state. The next four stages would be the professionals – the lawyers, lobbyists, architects and the marketing analysts. Each stage would probably cost twice what the previous stage cost. The first stage would cost $50K. The other stages would require $100K, $200K,$400K, $800K, $1.6M, $3.2M, $6.4M, and $12.8M.

If ten utopian city-states were built, they would compete for the best government, among other things.  The winner would be the world, the people, the billionaires, the earth and humanity.  It’s a win-win effort.

Let’s at least build a prototype!

I work for expenses.  Contact me via the ‘contact’ link below the picture of the serene road.


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Phooey to the Tax Plans of both Romney and Obama

Mitt’s Taxpolicy:



• Maintain marginal rates at current levels

• Further reduce taxes on savings and investment

• Eliminate the death tax

• Long-term goal: pursue a flatter, fairer, simpler structure


• Lower the corporate income tax rate to 25 percent

• Transition to a “territorial” tax system


“The best course in the near term is to overhaul and to dramatically simplify the current tax code, eliminate taxes on savings for the middle class, and recognize that because we tax investment at both the corporate and individual level, we should align our combined rates with those of competing nations. Lower taxes and a simpler tax code will help families and create jobs.”

(Mitt Romney, No Apology)

Obama’s Tax plan:


  • Asking millionaires to pay their fair share


No household making more than $1 million each year should pay a smaller share of their income in taxes than a middle-class family pays.


Taxes are part of production costs.

Production costs have to directly cover Income taxes. corporate taxes, health Insurance, Social Security, unemployment, and long term disability.

Because these are the deductions made by government.  US manufacturing has to pay a blood thirsty (money grubbing) government in order to use the American worker.  Other governments do not have to pay the American government for access to the most  important thing: the American Market place.

Production costs have to indirectly cover housing, property taxes, food, clothing and transportation.

Because people can’t live without these things and if they can’t live, they can’t produce.

It’s pretty obvious that the more the direct production costs are reduced, the more competitive the American workforce becomes.  Changing the tax plan to reduce the cost of production while taxing the right to access and sell to Americans makes American products cheaper, raises taxes and makes foreign products more expensive.


The only income taxes should be paid by the top 20 percent.  These taxes should be sufficiently high to keep billionaires from getting richer.  You don’t have to be a billionaire to own stock, so the argument that the stock market wouldn’t do as well is foolish.

There should be no cut off for social security.  The top  20 percent should pay social security taxes at the same rate as the bottom 80 percent.  Heck, it all goes into the same revenue pool eventually anyway.

The rest of us should only pay only a federal sales tax of ten percent on all products foreign and domestic.  The lower 80 percent should not pay an income tax.

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Twenty Five Dead from Terrorist Responses to Bigoted Film

KABUL (Reuters) – Afghan militants claimed responsibility on Tuesday for a suicide bomb attack on a minivan carrying foreign workers that killed 12 people saying it was retaliation for a film mocking the Prophet Mohammad.

A short film made with private funds in the United States and posted on the Internet has ignited days of demonstrations in the Arab world, Africa, Asia and in some Western countries.

In a torrent of violence blamed on the film last week, the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans were killed in an attack in Benghazi and U.S. and other foreign embassies were stormed in cities in Asia, Africa and the Middle East by furious Muslims. At least nine other people were killed.

What we have is a clash over two rights: the right to free speech and the right to freedom of religion. Which right should prevail? Should government clamp down on bigoted films?  Or perhaps government should educate their population to be more sensitive to the needs, rights and feelings of others.

This illustrates the reason why I have always maintained that the most important thing in any constitution is an full enumeration (listing) of all the rights of the  people.  Make a full enumeration of all rights and you will find that people also have the right NOT to listen to the free speech of another.  People have the right NOT to have their families listen to bigoted speech.

The court doesn’t have the right to punish people for a bigoted speech.  The court only has the right to protect the rights of people NOT to hear.  The court should have some means of making a ruling on what is bigoted.  If people then violate the finding of the court, they can be punished in some proportionate manner, like being made to pay for the court costs.

Government force should be reserved for only two things – a violation of a court order  or the causation of harm or injury.  Government force should be used judiciously and cautiously.

The harm and injury inflicted on others is the greater crime.  People will, after all, forget all speeches.  People will never forget the loss of life.

If someone is injured by bigoted speech, that should be actionable in a court of law.  People should have be given greater use of the courts.  On the other hand, the courts don’t need to always order punishments.  The courts need sometimes to just find that something is wrong and ask that it not be repeated (probation).  The courts need to be free and swift at times and not aggravate emotional wounds.  The sword of justice needs to be a little dull as to not rush to judgment when the evidence is not conclusive.

Government should educate their population to be more sensitive to the needs, rights and feelings of others.  People should learn to respect the natural rights of other whether enumerated or not.  People have the right to not be harassed by bigots for their religious beliefs.  But most of all, people have the right to live their lives.

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Why Does the Gay Population Get Their Way?

What percentage of the population is gay?  The more rigorous studies have shown different results within a range of 0.6 to  5.4 percent. These studies include Bell-Weinberg, 1970 (~2 percent);  Billy-Battelle, 1993 (1.1 percent); Cameron-Ross, 1975-78 (~3 percent);  Catania-NABS, 1992 (2 percent); FRI, 1983 (5.4 percent); MacDonald, 1988 (2 percent); NCHS, 1988-91 (3.5 percent); Schmidt, 1987 (0.6 percent); and Trocki,  1988-89 (3 percent).

The working  class in the USA is much larger and includes the gay community.  In the USA, the civilian workforce was 140,000,000.  Same sex marriages have been discussed extensively.  Same sex marriages have been called marriages rather than civil unions in spite of the fact that many heterosexual married couples object to using same name for both same sex and heterosexual marriages.  The gay community got their way in many states.

OK, why can’t the workforce get month long vacations if they want?  Why is this never discussed?  Truly we are a huge segment of the population (over 140 million).  The group of workers also includes the gay community.  So why is this issue never discussed by politicians?

After twenty years of working, I got five offers of employment from various companies.  I couldn’t get one of them to agree to give me more than two weeks of vacation.  I couldn’t even get the commitment of an extra vacation week without  pay!  It’s absurd how the same old unresolved issues are discussed over and over (like abortion rights), but zillions of other important issues are ignored.

This is a tiny example of why this government is dystopian.  Big and small, the reasons that we are a dystopian government abound!  The needs of minority groups are coveted and handled year after year as if the needs of the majority don’t even matter!

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Questions to Ask the Candidates

Questions to ask the candidates.  The correct answers are given.

Q: How do you lower the debt?

A: More revenue and less government expense.

Q: How do you generate more revenue?

A: Slightly higher taxes on the rich.

Q: How do you generate more private sector jobs?

A:  Lower the price of American made products while promoting the increase in prices of the competition.

Q: How do you lower the prices of American made products?

A: Keep the Yuan from being pegged to the dollar, inflate the dollar slightly, add a national sales tax to all products while dropping corporate taxes on American companies, especially small companies.  If it is legal under our trade agreements, a  small tariff should be added to countries with whom we have a trade deficit.

Q: What is another way of generating more private sector jobs?

A: Give more help to the small company and less to the monopolies and mega companies that benefit from size.  Encourage product variety and quality.

Q: What is another way of generating more private sector jobs?

A: Eliminate taxes on the middle class.  This will increase spending which will increase American jobs which will replace lost revenue from middle class taxes. 

Q: What is another way of generating private sector jobs?

A: Increase the price of the competition by a sales tax which will also generate revenue.  Small American companies would be exempt from a sales tax.

Q: How do you decrease government expenditures?

A: Make government more  efficient.  Don’t increase government benefits or wages.   Allow government employees to enter the newly increased private sector workforce.

Increasing the prices of foreign competition while lowering the prices for small American business will generate more revenue while at the same time creating more jobs.   Government expenditures can lowered by making government more productive and by employing the excess manpower in the newly expanded private sector workforce.

All of the above steps have to be taken.  They are all essential.

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Selling Your Florida Timeshare

It took me a year to find out how to sell an inherited timeshare. I must have made a hundred calls. I called the Florida Attorney General’s office several times. They couldn’t help me except to say “Don’t pay for the fee up front – at the beginning.” and “There are a lot of resale scams out there.”

A relative paid $60,000 for a couple of timeshare units several years ago. I saw several similar timeshares selling on Ebay for a few hundred dollars. I had lawyers tell me they could get me out of the timeshare contract – if I paid them a few thousand dollars! (The audacious bastards!)

Westgate – the real owners of the timeshares – offered me no help with the sales other than to tell me they had the right to buy the timeshare back. They had the right of first refusal. In other words, if someone made an offer on the timeshare that wasn’t high enough, they could buy it back at that price and sell it to another.

I was about to give up trying to sell them. I thought they were worthless. Then I took a trip to Florida. I drove around and stopped at every place that offered free tickets or timeshare resales. One told me that they worked for Westgate and couldn’t buy them back and that they most likely couldn’t be sold. Another place would give me $100 if I took two hours to attend their presentation (but my wife and I had to make more than $50,000 a year). I refused the $100 offer.

Then, on my way to buy some cheap tickets, I found the place I was looking for. The were licensed real estate brokers that had been in business for 19 years. They had sold over 15,000 time shares. They could get 50% to 70% of what my relative paid for them several years ago. And best of all, they didn’t charge a commission until the sale was complete. The new owner would assume all closing costs!

Since then I got a call from someone in the “Bureau of Compliance at the Division of Florida Timeshares”. He told me that the correct way to find someone to sell a timeshare was to do an internet search on “Licensed Timeshare Resale Broker“. The key word is broker. You need a licensed real estate broker to properly sell your timeshare. Don’t ever turn the timeshare over to a lawyer. Don’t ever pay the commission up front. You may have to pay for an appraisal, but that is standard in the real estate business.

Good luck.  And if you want to rent a timeshare week, click on “Buy Vacations” at the top of the page and I will rent you a week.  People that rented them have given rave reviews.  One mom told me her whole family kissed her and said “This is the best place yet!”

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Another Gore versus Bush Election?

Like the presidential election of 2000, this election could depend on the outcome of the Ohio and Florida elections.

Obama has the slim electoral lead of 221 to 191.  Obama is a mere 30 electoral votes ahead.  Ohio and Florida combined have 47 electoral votes.  Like the 2000 presidential election between Gore and Bush, the 2012 election could be decided by Florida and Ohio.  Presently Florida and Ohio are too close to call.

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Why Democracy Will Never Work

OK, perhaps the question should be why this democracy and similar democracies will never work.

Democracy is a government where non-experts vote for non-experts to hire incompetent help. The fact that this type of government works at all is amazing.

Government is driven by a public that keeps complaining and patiently paying taxes until the job gets done. Government just keeps experimenting until the public stops complaining.

The system is insane. Take laws for example. Knowledge of the law is not a defense; people are supposed to know the law by osmosis or, perhaps, thought broadcasting. A belief in thought broadcasting is symptomatic of insanity, by the way.  If laws were taught and tested the way they are in order to get a driver’s license, that’s OK.  The people should know those laws because they have been taught and tested.  We should be responsible for knowing and obeying traffic laws.

People should also know that there are laws against stealing, murder, and harming others.

The victimless crimes and the untaught/untested laws are quite another story.  If government wishes to punish us for the millions of untaught/untested victimless crimes, then it is government that should be punished or sent to an insane asylum.

More in the book…

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