The Hate List #3

Washington Pseudo science fuels the myth that outsourcing is good.

Washington Pseudo science fuels the myth that free trade is good.

Washington Pseudo science fuels the myth that a higher education is good.

Washington Pseudo science fuels the myth that cutting taxes for the rich is good.

Washington Pseudo science fuels the myth that deficit spending is good.

Washington Pseudo science tells us that if the rich get richer we will all get wealthier.

Washington Pseudo science tells us that all of us can simultaneously get wealthier.

Washington Pseudo science tells us that capitalism is good.

The scientific method follows these steps:

1.)     Ask a question.

2.)     Do background research

3.)     Construct a hypothesis

4.)     Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment

5.)     Analyze Your Data and Draw a Conclusion

6.)     Communicate Your Results

7.)     Repeat the steps two through seven getting better results each time.

Pseudo science doesn’t follow all the steps. Washington streamlines the process by skipping stems 4, 5 and seven.  The economy of the USA has become one big test that is repeated over  and over with the same results and to the betterment of the same people.

There are hundreds of similar items on the hate list as this society approaches a perfect dystopia.

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