Your Utopia

Each of us can conceive our own perfect nation and society. Try for a moment.

My conception of Utopia is a place where there are no defects in the economy, the democracy, the system of justice, or the goals and direction.

A perfect society is, by definition, one that is free from defects. Perfection does not imply the infinite. We can’t all own or control the universe. We have to share and control the universe as perfectly as possible.

A perfect society would have strong quality control. The quality of government would be perfect and the people should be in good mental and physical health. All should know the one correct way to communicate and the symptoms of the hundreds of incorrect means of communication.

Furthermore, my conception of Utopia is that of a fun place to live.

The happiest people I’ve known have been the hard working poor. The most miserable people have been the ones that have won mega millions without a purpose. The flip side of the mega millions winners are those with a great purpose and no money.

My Utopia is a City State or Nation that is structured so that all may own their own small business, earn money in their favorite sport or art, and even change careers in mid life.

Owning your own business and being able to use your intellect and skill to make it grow is more fun than having that same money invested in a stock and letting others play the game.

My Utopia is a place where a hard working person can earn his own home and live within his means.

In most developed nations, it takes a salary of $50,000 a year to provide a minimal life style for a family of four. Rent and home ownership is expensive. Transportation is expensive. Medical care is expensive.

It doesn’t have to be that way. We don’t have to squander national resources to give people material excesses. We only have to provide housing that is warm and dry and food that is nutritious. It is possible to feed a family of four for ten dollars a week.

Viable and frugal socialism should be provided for those with minimal wealth. The emphasis should be on having them live within their means. A special path should be provided to allow them to prepare themselves for a job.

My Utopia is a place where natural rights are protected.

My concept is that natural rights are those rights a person would have if there were no government or criminals. These natural rights include the right to live, breath, have sex, own property, and have a job sufficient to provide minimal shelter, food, clothing, education, and medical needs.

There are many more natural rights that support the above including non illusory rights and means to control and participate in government.

My Utopian concept is that the only right of government is to protect the rights of their citizens.

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