Why American Courts are Completely Incompetent.

The main reason that the American courts are endemically incompetent is that the people that run the system don’t know what is wrong with the system. The managers of the court systems don’t know what is wrong because the users, the lawyers and citizens, are never interrogated regarding each and every experience with each and every part of the court system. The flaws in the system are never organized into a database that is accessible for everyone to see.

Drug manufactures know that only one in a thousand (1/1000th) of the serious reactions to the drugs they manufacture are ever reported. It’s plausible, even predictable, that the same is true of the American court system. It’s likely that less than 1/1000th of the problems of the courts system ever are reported.

The problems of the court are not only not scientifically sought, but they would never be recorded by any database simply because no database is available. This database should be searchable and sortable. This database should be not only available, but also advertised. The option of keeping names private should be an option of the database.

Needless to say, few errors are ever fixed as few come to the attention of the newspapers and the media. It is hard for a person to report an error if it is his first encounter with the system. It is impossible to report an error if the judge doesn’t even give a reason for his decision. It is impossible to report an error if your lawyer hasn’t even been educated in potentially better systems and he can’t even explain the breakdown that caused failure. Intimidation by the courts and the police also prevent the reporting of errors. The legislators and judges are either in denial or apathy. Thus the system is rotten and stays that way.

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