Letter from Reader

I am, if you cannot tell by the e-mail address, Randy H. I must inform you that I have read your statements and everything I could find on your website.

{Thank you}
 I believe it would be possible in a perfect world {we wouldn’t be writing about utopia were this a perfect world} to have this perfect utopia {utopia is a civilization without defects (one definition of perfection)} spring up and give everyone perfect lives {defect free lives is a less confusing concept to most}. I say this not to get you to stop reading this extensive e-mail, but to realize where I stand on the issue. For your statements on outsourcing employment, I am in the understanding the unemployment rate is in the lowest it has been in a long time {The unemployment rate is merely the percent of people collecting unemployment compensation.  Furthermore, many, if not most, people are not working at their ideal job.  Few are working at their ideal wage, but it is not necessary for a utopia make everybody billionaires or even millionaires.}.
       Moving on to the justice {I remind you that the disproportionate punishment of today is NOT justice}, I believe in your first statement. If I may remind you in my own words:

A person cannot harm another person in any way, shape, or conceivable or inconceivable form without also facing the justice system {It is also not justice when a person has to pay $18,000 to a lawyer to defend against a cop that fabricates false charges that threaten years in prison.}  I may also add that there should be an allowance for guilt to a person if they may feel it in a situation. Guilt {guilt and other emotional pains inflicted by a society without justice – as with the current world justice systems – is huge} is a very powerful form of pain but, unlike physical or monetary, this is placed upon someone by their own self. Now, moving on to the next justice fundamental principle.

       This is a little obscure from the first paragraph you explain it. Which is what I am basing these statements on as this is also the first time I read them. Something for something? Perhaps there can be a possible equalizer of value to things. Perhaps a standardized system, not with money which changes, but a chair will always cost say, a dollar and a table will always cost two dollars no matter what. For doing certain jobs the payment will be the same. Cut down one tree, get a dollar. Cut down two trees, get two dollars. No matter what someone things the value of something is, it will have the set value.

       I know this may be a little hard to follow but lets simplify it. NOT EVERYONE IN A UTOPIA CAN BE AS SMART AS US SO WE SHOULD MAKE THEIR LIVES AS SIMPLE AS POSSIBLE. {SMART = FACTUAL, PRINCIPLED, LOGICAL,  LITERATE, EDUCATED, EXPERIENCED, AND WITH FAIRLY HIGH IQ } By the way, I don’t know your name but I guess it doesn’t matter cause you probably won’t respond to this or any other message I send you. Now, if you have any questions please respond as soon as possible.

       A promise arising out of immoral circumstances is invalid. {Human rights, as defined by the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, should be the basis of the law.  Morality covers things like nudity and swearing. Immorality should not be legislated beyond requiring that one families’ morality should not be imposed on another.}

       I must repeat to you. PEOPLE ARE NOT ALWAYS AS SMART AS, well you in this case, AND NEED EVERYTHING SIMPLIFIED FOR THEM. Because I cannot decipher the meaning of this statement, let me give it a go and just guess.

       Perhaps we should have a system following an old British form of government law called precedent. Surely crimes that occur often should have a similar sentence or the same sentence so people are aware of what will be coming to them when they commit a crime. {Law should proceed from enforcement of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights} (I will get to charging them with a crime in a second.) A murder is automatically life {too automatic}. The murder of more than one person will require the death penalty {it is not necessary to kill the incarcerated}. Stealing an item requires the financial payment of the cost of the item whether the theft was successful or not. (Poor people stealing food is still punishable because, well, there won’t be any starving people in a utopia; right?) {Then why make it law?} Then, the amount (in cents) of the item is the number of weeks an imprisonment {the confusions, intentions, and misunderstood concepts of the accused – the ‘criminal’ — should be considered} with limited rights, food, and religious freedom is allowed. Also, removing drapes from the prison cell to remove the ‘home’ touch is also recommended {I know prisoners that have slept on cement floors and have been required to eat raw chicken.  Prison is already hell.}. Now, to get to charging someone with a crime.

       I belive undeniable proof of a crime, such as a photograph or video camera or finding someone with a stolen item is the only way someone can be charged. Witnesses cannot be trusted because a witness relies on their eyes and, as I know from personal experience, what people see is not always what has happened.

       I think I am nearing the limit of words in an e-mail so please contact me if you have any questions and I will respond as soon as I can. RHK out.

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