No ad hoc changes to government

Main Entry: 1ad hoc
Pronunciation: \ˈad-ˈhäk, -ˈhōk; ˈäd-ˈhōk\
Function: adverb
Etymology: Latin, for this
Date: 1659
: for the particular end or case at hand without consideration of wider application

Regardless of who wins, I strongly hope that NO ad hoc changes to government be made. Let us enter into a period of engineered social changes. Let the entire system be macroscopically planned. Let the states, cities, corporations and people micro manage. Government should write and publish interesting 200 page books that are readable and understandable – as if government was trying to sell the plan to the people. Let NO president act like a dictator or messiah. The decision to vote up or down any plan should be by a sixty percent margin. Regardless of the plan, it should be engineered into a comprehensive plan and not just an ad hoc patch.

Arnold said that one candidate’s plans are like a stick figures. They need meat. Let’s not have any stick figure plans even if accompanied by a thousand pages of useless paperwork.

The consumption tax is a tool. It should be engineered into a system engineered to produce jobs. Jobs must be created. We can no longer run a government of ad hoc policies. In a world where governments are competing with each other to make jobs for their people, our government must try to plan, engineer, and be smart. A government of collected ad hoc bills and ideas, like ours, is a government than will soon be extinct. The American government is NOT competitive.

As for income redistribution, a few years ago the average family income was $100,000 while the median family income was $40,000. The median income should be $66,000, I believe. America should be engineered so that the median income is around $66,000. The average income should not change.

Only income above $40,000 a year should be taxed.

Regardless of the plan, it should be engineered into a comprehensive plan and not just an ad hoc patch.

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