Needed Tax Amendments for America

The majority doesn’t have the right to take from the minority. The majority doesn’t have the right to kill any minority. Nor does the majority have the right to decide the tax rate on the minority. On this premise, our ignorant/evil legislators just decided that taxing everybody was fair. Talk about stupid!

American government goes one step below mere ignorance. The American government actually becomes evil – not merely ignorant, because it allows the MINORITY to determine the taxes of the MAJORITY!

Tax principles are sufficiently important that they need constitutional amendments!

Such constitutional amendments would specify:
1) The total revenue that could be collected by government as a percentage of the GDP (or something like that).
2) That the income and property that the average family needs for housing, food, transportation, clothing, health and education should not be taxed.
3) Social Security taxes should be flat across the entire income range. Furthermore, any amount borrowed from the social security fund shall be paid interest at the prevailing rate. Also, social security revenues shall not be used for any other purpose other than retirement.

Say NO to our evil/ignorant government!

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