Police Brutality Video

Police Brutality Video
Police Severely Beat Woman
DOJ reports that most police brutality goes unreported

It isn’t just that the police are brutal to women or black people, it is that the police are brutal to everyone. Yes, it happens all the time. People get tired of bringing it to the attention a an apathetic American public where even the political candidates avoid the issue of police brutality like the plague. I searched the campaign sites of Obama, McCain, or Hillary for “police brutality”. I found nothing.

Having analyzed the problem of police brutality for over a decade, I believe that the problem isn’t so much with the police as the American system of justice which ignores police brutality. Police discipline is usually left to the police. The legislators, judges, police schools and courts are to blame. Government is to blame. Candidates don’t discuss the issue. None do. They are the most blame worthy.

On a scale where 100 is maximum, America gets a rating of -2000 (minus 2000) on the subject of police brutality and justice in general. True, America is better that half of the other countries. It’s also small consolation that no other country achieves a positive judicial score.

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