The Quest of Utopia I

Extreme wealth characterizes the goal that most Americans would aspire to. Many would think that the life of a billionaire is more desirable than any Utopian existence that they can envision. Perhaps those that would prefer opulent wealth to a Utopian existence are really suffering from an impoverishment of the collective imagination.


When Mansions, such as the Breakers in Newport RI, are toured, one wonders whether or not the Billionaires really had a Utopian Existence. Many died early. There were divorces. The houses were gold-gilded mansions were museums with expensive art imported from all over the world. Maybe that all that is required of for some to think their lives Utopian. Perhaps. The parties were magnificent, but the hangovers were probably also magnificent.

The Yachts were fun. The horses were fun. Most of us would have our boating and equestrian appetites fulfilled from a few weekends during the summer. Granted, that would be fun, but Utopian?

Perhaps the real need for attaining a goal of opulent wealth is psychological in that a person can feel good about himself. Perhaps the psychological need is to make a statement to the “world” that you are really a significant person.

Being a billionaire is pretty nice, but certainly not the only Utopian possibility. Having a billion is not possible for everyone; many people are required to build and care for those magnificent houses and toys of billionaires.

But does opulent wealth really produce an individual Utopia? Further study will show that, sans psychological needs, there are other more satisfying Utopian concepts.

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