Judges, Courts, Police & Representatives Insane

Kiefer Sutherland, who plays hero Jack Bauer on the Fox TV hit drama 24, has been sentenced to 48 days in jail for a DUI arrest late last month. Sutherland was arrested for drunk driving after attending a party to celebrate the network’s fall season launch.

Jack Bauer

Newspaper link to story

Can you imagine locking your child in the bathroom for 48 days? You would be considered insane or evil or criminal. How is what government does any different?

Judges, courts, police and representatives think it is OK if they lock someone in the bathroom (or prison cell) for 48 days, but not OK for someone else to do the same. If someone else does the same, it usually indicates some severe mental anomaly like a psychopathic personality, narcissism, or antisocial personality disorder.

We have a double standard – one for government and one for people.

Anyway, I hope the writers of 24 have Jack at least torture a judge on his show. On 24, I would like to see a judge hauled off kicking and screaming to the funny farm by men wearing white coats.

Punishment is too severe, especially when you consider the cost of lawyers for us mortals. Lets grow up and stop making punishment the “wonder treatment” for all the ills of society. Let’s face it, hefty sentences serve only to extort hefty fees for lawyers. They also bring money in for judges, courts, prisons, cops and the rest of the dung humpers.

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