Not This Government!

Plutocracy & Aristocracy

I would prefer to have a choice in government.   Our current government gives us the choice between a representative plutocracy of millionaires and billionaires and a representative aristocracy of lawyers and high government officials.  You may recognize the republican party as the representative plutocracy of millionaires and billionaires.  You may recognize the democratic party as a representative aristocracy of lawyers and high government officials.  The present government is apparently favored by the rich and those in power.

This group should pay income taxes, sales taxes and property taxes.  They should pay no social security taxes.  Their contribution to social security taxes is currently zero on 99% of their income anyway.  Why give them credit for something they don’t really contribute to?

True Democracy:

College graduates would be better off in a true democracy or a lottocracy where the representatives would be drawn randomly from a pool of volunteers all of which are college graduates.  The only taxes they should pay would be the social security tax, sales taxes and property taxes.  They should pay no income tax.


The poor and the disillusioned would be better off in a socialistic & representative democracy.  They would probably like our current government, but this new socialism would create more jobs and more wealth for them.   It would, in a way, be a big union.  The only taxes they should pay would be the social security tax, sales taxes and property taxes.  They should pay no income tax.

Picking the government:

We should have our choice of living in a state that endorses the government we like.  We would ‘vote’, in part, by moving to the state with the government we like.

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