Dichotomies in thinking all abound

Like a pinball machine laws bounce round and round.
Schools teach agreement, but none agree.
The law is right, but it is wrong.
Dichotomies in thinking all abound.
Like matter and antimatter are the laws of the land.
Few know what is right.
But most have all the answers.
The masses think themselves leaders.
But few know even who to follow.
Meanwhile, the mighty rule the confused masses
The Universities teach, but the world gets dumber.
As the reservoir of knowledge gets pruned and molded.
The world knows more, but less gets done.
The more we know the less we do.
Climb the pyramid do all aspire
Tempted by false promises at the top.
Most are sacrificed along the way.
Their beating hearts given to Gods who covet gold.
By the Magicians of legal slaughter in the courts.
The illusory rewards are never achieved.
Who takes pride in fortunes amassed by selling bodies.
There is hope, one small chance
Sunset all the laws – it might improve.
Champion the hard working masses and those that deserve.
The world belongs to those that improve entropy by their toil.
And to those that worship the spirit happy…
Without deceiving body or mind.

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